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The following General Terms of use (hereinafter, the "Terms") describe the terms that apply to the services and content offered through the website, owned by the partnership SARTON CANARIAS, S.A. with CIF: A35474832, (hereinafter, "IKEA" or "Sarton Canarias S.A.") offering its services in the territory of Baleares and Canarias.

1. Acceptance of Terms

Simple access to this Website or merely using the services provided through the same condition attributed to the website user and implies full and unreserved acceptance of the Terms contained herein.

The provision of services and content offered through this website will always be conditioned on your acceptance of these Terms. In case the user does not accept these conditions, he must not access IKEA website and / or use the services offered through it.

IKEA reserves the right to modify at any time and without notice, structure, configuration and design of this website and also these Terms and Conditions, if any, could be included. An updated version of thereof will be permanently available on the Website. Services use and / or simple access to the IKEA Website implies your acceptance of any changes, so that the User agrees firmly and irrevocably to check contents of these Terms and Conditions each time he access the Website.

2. Legal capacity

The services and content offered through this Website are intended to all individuals or legal persons, in accordance with applicable law have the legal capacity to accept these Terms.

3. Intellectual property and trademarks

All rights of intellectual property and trademarks as well as all information contained in the Website (images, graphics, source code, design, navigation structure, databases, and other content that may appear in herein) are exclusive property of Sarton Canarias S.A. or, when applicable, of Inter IKEA Systems B.V.

Through these Terms any right of intellectual or trademarks property information is assigned, the products offered on the Website or Website itself, or on any of its components (images, graphics, source code, design, structure navigation, databases, and other content that may appear in herein) being expressly prohibited to the User the reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, making available, extraction, reuse, forwarding or use whatever nature, for any means or procedure, any of them, except where it is legally permitted or expressly authorised in writing by Sarton Canarias S.A. and / or the copyright holder.

The User is only authorised to view and obtain a temporary private copy of the exclusive content for personal and private use on their computer systems (software and hardware) and are not subsequently transferred to third parties. With the above caveats, the User may not modify or reproduce, in part or in its entirety, this information without the express consent in writing of Sarton Canarias S.A.Including but not limited:

  • The User is not authorised to use any information contained in the Web Page with the aim of developing any commercial or professional activities (direct selling or any other type of commercial purpose as well as commercialising that information in any way).
  • The User is not authorised to remove, circumvent, manipulate the "copyright" and other data identifying the rights of Sarton Canarias S.A. and / or Inter IKEA Systems B.V. and any protection mechanisms.
  • The User is not authorised to disassemble, decompile or reverse the databases where information is stored on the Website.

All information on the Website is protected under copyright. The unauthorised use of the information contained on this Website, resale, and any damage of the rights of intellectual property and trademarks of
Sarton Canarias S.A.
or, when appropriate, of Inter IKEA Systems BV, will lead to legal prosecution.Brands (distinctive signs and logos) appearing on the Website are used by Sarton Canarias, S.A.under the authorization of its exclusive holder Inter IKEA Systems BV and are duly registered or registration process. The names of other products, services and companies that appear in this document or Website may be trademarks or other distinctive trademarks of their respective and rightful owners.

4. Links Policy

Is expressly forbidden introduction of hyperlinks on Websites for commercial purposes unrelated to IKEA, which allow access to this domain, without the prior written consent of IKEA. In any case, the existence of such hyperlinks do not imply in any case the existence of trade or business relations with the owner of the Website where the hyperlink is established, nor the acceptance by IKEA of its content or services.

On the other hand, IKEA does not guarantee or assumes any responsability for the damage and harms suffered by the access to third-parties contents through the possible conections or links of the websites linked to The function that, in any case, any of those links could have is only to inform the users about the existence of other sources of information or other Internet contents and services. IKEA will not be in any case responsible for the result obtained through such links or the consequences of the users' access to them. These third-parties contents are provided by them, which is why IKEA can't control the permissibility of such contents nor the quality of the services offered through them.

5.Liability of Sarton Canarias S.A. (IKEA)

The User assumes full responsibility derived from the use of the Web Page, being solely responsible for any direct or indirect effect derived from the use of such Web Page, including, but no limited to, any economic, technical and /or legal adverse result, as well as defrauding the expectations generated by the present Web Page, obliging the User to keep IKEA undamaged for whatever complaints derived, directly or indirectly from such events.

IKEA is not responsible from the damages that could derive from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer virus, breakdown and/or disconnections in the operational work of this electronic system or in the devices or computer equipment of the users, motivated by causes external to IKEA, that prevent or delay the service provision or the navigation in the store, nor the delays or blockage in the usage caused by deficiencies or overload in Internet or in other computer systems, nor the impossibility of providing the service or allowing the access due to causes not attributable to IKEA, due to the user, third parts or Force Majeure.

However, IKEA states that has adopted and shall adopt when applicable all necessary measures within its means and the technology status, to ensure the proper functioning of this Website and avoid the existence and transmission of viruses and other harmful components to users.

IKEA reserves the right to withdraw access to this website, as well as provision of the services offered through it at any time and without previous notice, either for technical, security, control, maintenance, fault power supply reasons or any other cause.

IKEA does not control, generally, the use made by users of the website. In particular IKEA under no circumstance does not guarantee that users use the website in accordance with the law, these Terms, morality and  good practices generally accepted and public order, nor to do so in a diligent and prudently. Consequently, IKEA is not responsible for the use that the User makes the web page content that may be in violation of any standard, national or international law, rights of intellectual property and trademarks or other third parties rights .

6. Users liabilities

In general, the User agrees to comply with these Terms, as well as to meet the special warnings or instructions contained therein and always act according to the law, morality and the requirements of good faith, using right diligence, and shall not use this Website in any way that may impede, damage or deteriorate the normal functioning thereof, IKEA property rights, their suppliers, other users or any third overall.

Specifically, and without implying any restriction on the previous section when using the Website the User agrees to:

  • Provide accurate information about the data requested in any of the forms included in the Website and keep them updated. IKEA reserves the right, without prejudice to other other legal measures available to withdraw, deny or suspend access to the Website in the event that the data provided are or may be false, inaccurate or misleading.
  • Not to introduce, store or distribute on or from the Web Page, any piece of information or material considered defamatory, slanderous, obscene, threatening, xenophobic, that provokes violence or racial, sexual, ideological, religious discrimination or anything against morality, public order, fundamental rights, civil liberties, honour, personal privacy or the image of third-parties and the current regulation in general.
  • Not to introduce, store or spread, by means of the present Web Page, any programme, data, virus, code, or any other electronic or physical device that can cause damage to it, in any of the services, or in any of the teams, systems or networks of IKEA, of any other User, of the IKEA suppliers or of any third-parties in general.
  • Not making advertising or commercial operation through the Website, and not use the content and information to send advertising thereof, or send messages with any other marketing purpose, or to collect or store personal data of third parties.
  • Not to use false identities, or supplant the identity of others for the use of the Web Page or the use of any of the services linked to the same, including the use, as the case may be, of passwords or access keys of third-parties or in any other way.
  • Not destroying, altering, using for purposes, rendering useless or damaging the data, information, software or electronic documents owned by IKEA  or third parties.
  • Not to post, store or transmit through the Website any content that could infringe intellectual or industrial property rights or commercial secrets of third parties, or any content of which he does not have the right, according to law, to transmit to third parties.

IKEA reserves the right to refuse or withdraw access to the Service at any moment to those Users who in accordance to IKEA criterion do not abide by these General Conditions or where such access is used for illegitimate purposes, including for such those listed in these Terms, fraudulent or contrary to good faith.

7. Communications

Applicable laws require that some of the information or communications we send to you should be in writing. By using this Website, the User agrees that most of the communications with IKEA is electronic. IKEA will contact User via email or provide information by placing notices in this Website. User agrees to this electronic means of communication and acknowledge that all contracts, notices, information and the other communications sent electronically by IKEA meet the legal requirement of being in writing.

User must send communications and / or notices to IKEA preferably through the contact form incorporated on this Website. In accordance with the previous section, and unless otherwise stated, IKEA can send notifications to the email address provided by User for this purpose.


In the event that IKEA stop insisting on strict compliance by the User of any of its obligations under these Terms, or stop exercising any of the rights or remedies that IKEA was entitled to exercise or appeal under these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of such rights or remedies or relieve the user to comply with such obligations.

Disclaimers at enforcing compliance that IKEA would make will not constitute a waiver of later required compliance.

No disclaimer by IKEA of these Terms shall be effective, unless expressly stipulated to be a waiver and is communicated to the User in writing in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

9. Independence

Any clause or provision of these Terms to be invalid, void or illegal will not affect, impair or invalidate, provided it was not essential to fulfilling the object thereof, any other terms or provisions contained herein, which shall remain in full force and effect.

10. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

Validity, performance and interpretation of these Terms will be regulated in all respects by the Spanish Civil and Commercial Laws. Sarton Canarias S.A. and User agrees to attempt to resolve amicably any dispute that may arise in the development of the contractual relationship, prior to appeal to the competent Court.

In the event of any conflict, dispute, dispute, matter or claim resulting from the implementation, interpretation and / or application of these Terms and / or use of the Website, will be definitively resolved in the Courts and Tribunals of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, unless a different jurisdiction is established by means of an imperative regulation.

The present Terms and Conditions were last updated on January 2011.

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